Dominating the search engines on specific keywords used to be as simple as stuffing as many keywords into your articles as humanly possible. This was back when search engines put a lot of weight on keyword-density.
So if a website repeated the same keyword countless of times on an article (like “SEO”, “make money”, “make money online”) then those websites would show up on page one on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Not because their article was the best, but because they were the best at repeating the same keywords.
Today, keyword stuffing is considered spamming and dishonest. Don't do it, or the search engines will de-index your website (remove it from the search results) faster than you can snap your fingers.

Don’t play tricks with the Search Engines — they are smarter than you. Google’s web crawlers are fine-tuned pattern recognition machines. That’s good if you’re an honest person, and not so if you’re an asshole (basically).
Search engines still put a lot of weight on keyword volume (the number of times your target keywords are used on your website) today, but it’s just one of many ingredients in the SEO pot.
There is a myriad of other factors that affect your overall SEO, from the structure of your content titles and paragraphs, to how you name and tag your images, to security, performance, usability, and accessibility.
Although there are some differences between what makes Google (Search Engine) happy and what makes people happy, if you focus on making people happy, the Search engines will usually be happy too.
And the way you make your users happy is by making it easy for them to find what they’re looking for — fast.
The higher the quality of your content and the closer it matches what people are searching for, the better odds you have of getting on page 1 of the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).