If you’re new to color theory, you probably find yourself wondering what the difference is between the term hue and color.
It’s not complicated at all.
- Color is a general term for everything you see as a result of light.
- Hue is a color property that describes the color of a color (sometimes called color identity).
Hue does not describe how bright, intense, or saturated a color is. Hue just describes what color something is, red, green, blue, yellow, etc.

The hues of the color palette above are green, orange, red, prim, blue.
A good rule of thumb when designing with color is to use as few hues as possible in a single image to avoid crowding it.
Hue is a part of the HSV model (Hue, Saturation, Value), which is an alternative representation of the RGB color model. HSV is common in Pixel Art.