How to use HTML Lists (<ul>, <ol>, <dl>)

In HTML there are 3 types of list elements:

  • Unordered lists (the most common)
  • Ordered lists
  • Description lists

Unordered lists

Unordered lists are defined with the <ul> element and each list item inside is defined with the <li> element:



  • Apple
  • Banana
  • Orange

By default, unordered lists are styled with a circle bullet point, but this can be customized with CSS.

Ordered lists

Ordered lists are defined with the <ol> element and each list item inside is defined with the <li> element:



  1. Apple
  2. Banana
  3. Orange

By default, ordered lists are displayed numerically, but this can be customized with CSS.

Description lists

Description lists work a lot differently than ordered and unordered lists.

Here’s how they work:

  • The <dl> element defines the a description list (and is the parent element).
  • The <dt> element defines terms (names) inside a description list (and is a child of the <dl> element).
  • The <dd> element provides the description, definition, or value for the description list term (<dt>) that came just before it (and is also a child of the <dl> element).


  <dt>African Elephant</dt>
  <dd>The worlds largest living land animal.</dd>
  <dd>The tallest living animal on Earth.</dd>
  <dt>Blue Whale</dt>
  <dd>The largest animal ever (as we know it).</dd>


African Elephant
The worlds largest living land animal.
The tallest living animal on Earth.
Blue Whale
The largest animal ever (as we know it).

Description lists are rarely used in modern HTML. The most common use case I’ve seen is for creating some type of a glossary or to display metadata — however, there are many other ways of doing that in HTML.

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