The CSS class selector

The CSS class selector targets all HTML elements that have a matching class name attribute attached to them.

Class selector syntax:

.class-name {
    property-name: value;

Here’s an HTML element with that same class name as an attribute value:

<div class="class-name"></div>

The CSS class selector .class-name is attached to the <div> element with the class-name attribute. That means that whatever styling properties you add to .class-name in your CSS stylesheet get applied to the div.

The dot (.) before the name of the class is a specific CSS syntax. When you add the class name to an HTML element as a class attribute you don’t use ..

Now let’s use what we just learned in a practical example.

Here’s an HTML <button> element with some default styling that is inherited from the browser’s User Agent Stylesheet:


Default look:

Boring huh?

Let’s override the default button styling by creating a CSS class called .my-button and give it some styling properties:

.my-button {
    font-size: 18px;
    padding: 14px 24px;
    border-radius: 8px;
    border: none;
    background-color: #F7575C;
    color: white;

And add to the button element as a class attribute:

<button class="my-button">Button</button>


You have just learned the most important things you need to know about using the CSS class selector.

Good to know:

  • CSS classes can be reused on any HTML element, unlike ID selectors, which can only be used once.
  • You can add multiple different CSS classes to the same element <div class="first-class second-class third-class". This gives you a flexible way to assemble your element designs with small utility classes, such as seen with the Tailwind CSS framework.

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