How to Convert HEIC to JPG on Mac (using Preview)

Learn how to convert HEIC to JPG on Mac by using your Mac’s default image previewing app, Preview.

Here’s how to convert HEIC to JPG on Mac with Preview:

  1. Double-click your HEIC image to open it in Preview.
  2. Click on File > Export (in the menu bar).
  3. From the Format dropdown, select JPG. Optionally, you can also adjust the Quality slider (the default settings work for most use cases).
  4. Click Save

Your HEIC image is now converted to JPG!

Keep in mind, that when you convert HEIC to JPG, you lose the image compression advantage of HEIC. In other words, your JPG images will take up more space on your hard drive. The image quality won’t change.

As an alternative to using Preview, you can use your Mac’s Automator app to create a HEIC to JPG Quick Action. It takes a minute to set up, and then converting HEIC to JPG will take a couple of seconds moving forward. This is the method I prefer because it’s faster.

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